November 6th 2018

Web Summit in Lisbon - Signs of change

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6 Nov

Web Summit 2018

It is with delight that we receive the news that Web Summit renew its contract. It now will be staying for ten more years in Lisbon. As a digital marketing agency, we see this as great news. Some of us at Marq:s are based in Portugal. For us this a sign that things are changing for better in Portugal.

We live in a world where the digital era is increasingly present in people's daily lives, both in personal life and in the professional world. According to a study conducted by Marktest together with IDC Portugal, they concluded that the Portuguese have tripled their presence in the use of social networks. However, the most relevant data here pertains directly to Portuguese companies and their presence on social platforms.

Regarding this study, only 32.9% of the companies surveyed state that they are aware of the importance of being present in the digital world and have adopted the necessary solutions to be present in this field. However, they can be considered low numbers and according to regional director of IDC Portugal, Gabriel Coimbra, this states that "We are still really far from having most of the companies with social business solutions, thus showing some immaturity on the part of the companies facing the market European".

The study also states that, 25.7% of the largest organizations in Portugal are aware of what the digital world is all about, but it has no solutions for this. They state that within 24 months they will adopt solutions on this issue. 31.4% say they know what it is but do not think they value their business, choosing not to adopt solutions in the present or in the future. 10% of the companies referring to this study stated that they were not familiar with the concept and therefore were not present in the digital world.

According to IDC Portugal's regional director, the delay for the rest of the European market is due to "a still unsophisticated digital culture, both at the level of employees and at the customer level." It also says that it foresees a significant evolution in the digital presence of companies, but that Portugal will continue "behind the adoption levels in Western Europe".

At present, most companies believe that it is enough to be present on Facebook to be present in the digital world, not even realizing the importance they can offer. Social networks are an indispensable communication tool for any company, be it large or small. These allow you to create close contact between the company and its customers. It serves fundamentally to win new customers, loyalty to the current ones, promotion of its services and increases sales. Social networks and their platforms offer an endless capability of tools were allied to a good digital strategy, will be the meaning of a successful company.

Despite the fact that Portugal lags behind other companies at European level, it has a large margin of progression. Proof of the trust in this progression in Portugal is that Web Summit has moved to Portugal and will continue until 2028. More and more companies are interested in showing interest in the digital world due to its success in the rest of Europe.

The integration of the same in any company in Portugal, nowadays, is a point of differentiation in front of the rest. It is also a way for her to gain notoriety. Digital already has evidence given around the world, thus being fundamental to the success of any company.

This is where Marq:s solutions can help your business to thrive. With a highly experienced team working with clients based in London, Paris and Porto, our aim is to align your brand to the forefront of the Portuguese consumers mind accustomed to that of the rest of Europe. Our Digital Marketers will organise and present a tailored-made proposal, highlighting the key areas to form company-customer relationships, engage your target audience leading to conversions, thus resulting in future return on investment. We would love to hear from you. Contact us today to find out how we can boost your digital presence.